Anime Club
Sign your Youth up for a Season of Anime Club
Service Description
Does your youth like anime, manga, or k-pop/j-pop? Do they Naruto run, say Japanese phrases, draw anime or collect asian stuff? If so, then Anime Club is right for them! Members are guaranteed to find peers who share similar interests, while improving their social skills. We give our members a community in which they can delve into the culture. We not only learn more about Japanese culture, but we also dive into different genres of anime, manga and more. From using chopsticks to recognizing the difference between hiragana and katakana. We do friendly competitions for otaku prizes. This Club is aimed for fifth grade and up. Some days Anime Club goes a little longer than normally scheduled. The membership fee is the standard cost, but may also be paid through the fundraising efforts of the member. This allows the members to get invaluable skills while making extra to further their passion for anime. Featured events include field trips, fundraisers, conventions and parties.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
518 E 12th, Ada, OK, USA